“Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” This saying was one I often used as a child when someone teased me or called me names. Although this line served as a shield for the most part, some words have a way of piercing through. Even to this day, I still remember some of those words hurled at me during my childhood. But they pale in comparison to the negative self-talk that constantly trips people up and pulls them down.

The words we feed ourselves will either work for us or against us. Our inner voice can activate our inner cheerleader or inner critic. Language is the foundation to mastering our mindset, and ultimately mastering our destiny.

The things we think about are formed by the language that we speak in our minds. A lecturer of the Landmark course I attended in Bangkok explained that the main difference between humans and animals is that animals communicate but they do not possess a true language like humans. They can communicate when they want to eat and procreate, but they do not have the ability to communicate in a way that can build civilisations, send a man to the moon or write a book. But humans can.

As humans, we’re advanced as a species because we mastered language. We are constantly drawing from the language in our mind. This makes the acquisition of knowledge so important because when you acquire the right knowledge, you automatically put it in your mind. Moreover, with the language in your mind, you can switch off fear – the emotion that every trader must learn to manage and control in order to be successful.

Fear is basically the language in your mind telling you that you shouldn’t do this or that. When you’re operating on fear mode, you either become too afraid to act and subsequently miss out on promising trade opportunities or become greedy and let your emotions take over. I’ve seen fear end more than a few careers over the years. But if you change the language in your mind in the first place, you don’t feel fearful anymore.

The good news is each one of us can change our inner language. Catching the inner critic before it starts casting doubt upon us and putting us down, and shifting our words to be more nurturing and supportive, can lead to more positive outcomes in our professional and personal lives.

After reading this article, I’d like to issue a challenge to you.

Step away from your computer or tablet for a minute or two. Find a quiet corner and sit down in a relaxed, comfortable position. Close your eyes. Listen to your inner dialogue and pay close attention to your words.

Watch your words because they become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. And your values become your destiny.

Authored by Kenneth Kam
Produced by Callio Media